
Keg of Lies

I blame you, Atlas, for it was you who invited us over for beer at the pool last weekend. You tried to caution us that the keg would be dry at any moment. You suggested that we bring extra beer as a “backup” just to be safe. You lifted the keg numerous times to gauge its contents. We each had a bottled beer as we arrived that day, fully assuming that we’d be drinking it later. You were amazed that it didn’t blow pouring the first round of beers, then on the second round, and on to the third and fourth, and so on until we lost count. The night grew later and later yet the keg did not yield. Juan Moore won that battle. There were many lies poured that day. The only thing that came close to this farce was the never ending bottle of Powers.


  1. I prefer to think of it as a "Keg of Promise".


  2. Maybe it regenerates!


  3. False promises, therefore lies. It will go dry. -M
