
Buzz Ballz

Yes! We have another novelty alcoholic beverage: Buzz Ballz. Not blue balls or anything from Dr. Evil, just 20% booze in your favorite flavors to get the party started. I just saw these in New Orleans for the first time so I'm not sure if they are available in K-town or not - I'm just not that hip or "with it". It really isn't that surprising to see, this kind of kind of newbie-marketing happens all the time. There is always a new batch of 21 year olds (or younger) getting their drink on, and tooters, jello shots, fruity wine coolers, frozen pouches and party balls have been around for decades. I doubt it will change anytime soon and I'm glad.

A few other snaps from NOLA:


Lucky Dog for dinner, mmmm.

Last but not least - Yo Mama's, home of many an embarrassment for yours truly. And others, lots of others - you know who you are.


Here are a few more pics and notes about my visit to New Orleans - much lazier than creating a new post!

Met some cool folks from Memphis there with ties to Knawksville

Famous Door G & T - famous for overpriced drinks! Good times though.

No lights no problem
Erin Rose - outside lighting caused too much damn glare.
Dated sign inside Erin Rose
Yes, that is a working payphone

Keg seats kick ass at Erin Rose

I forgot a few nice ones...

The Famous Sazerac Bar
New Orleans' Drink

Ascot Cup, weighing in over 1200 ounces of silver


  1. Can you find the area where Aerosmith filmed "Rag Doll" and photograph it extensivly for LVL?


  2. No. I've got important business to do. -M

  3. I could really go for a one man lucky dog eating competition!


  4. Hi. Where in new Orleans did you find the buzz balls?

  5. I think it was in the Walgreens on Canal St. -M
