
For Tara, Judge of Droats

Looking ahead at the weather forecast this week, it is going to be downright nasty. By Thursday the temperatures are supposed to be hovering around freezing or below for a couple of days straight, and we all know that the ladies will be sporting their favorite droats for the occasion, hopefully the fancy ones they got for Christmas. Naturally, we at DK will be wearing our juice jackets. Several weeks ago when Jack Frost first reared his ugly head I mentioned how much I love the fashionable ladies and their garments, and even included a collection of pictures to emphasize my point. Well, apparently my eye for fashion isn’t quite what I thought it was, as reader Tara described them as “really ugly”.

This honest critique was not lost on me, and since then I have taken it upon myself to find only the best, most fashionable Droats on the whole goddamned planet. I have, and will continue to search tirelessly in order to provide the finest images of droats scavenged from websites all over the internet - that, or until I feel the need to search for the most filthy porn on the internet. As long as the winter months require dressy coats, I shall provide images of these functional yet fashionable clothes to be judged by you. So Tara, without further delay I present not one but two droats for your judgment:

And should these not meet her standards, or if the broad just doesn’t respond, I vow to continue posting these ludicrous images just because I have found so damn many of them and have to do something with them. I await the verdict.