
This can't possibly go wrong

Courtesy of those wacky Germans that now own PlayMobil, I give you this:

Gotta love the Periodic Table of wine.

Behold the Wine-Tasting Party Playset. This gem of toy goodness is currently stirring up controversy with the uptight brigade, feeling that this particular series will glamorize drinking to children. While I have mixed feelings on kids being around booze( oh yes, we all know that) I'm not sure this is something for society to get worked up over.

You see, these PlayMobil things have been around in some form or fashion since I was a kid. It's a bastard amalgam of Fisher Price and the Lego figurines in obscure settings. There was even a McDonald's playset many years ago that presumably demonstrated the joy of food service to an entire cadre of sullen Gen X'ers like yours truly. Using such ahem, logic, I can only auger that the wine playset won't make kids want to booze it up more than they might already. After all, most parents that knee-jerk against this kind of harmless item are the ones whose drunken barbarism is evident for little Dakota, Montana, and Chas to see every weekend. Hypocrisy is a bitch.

In a practical vein, this specific toy doesn't seem like it would hold a child's attention very well. What rugrat can pull his or her fat ass away from GTA 4 long enough to note the carafe, wine rack, and awful brown shoes...deciding right then and there for a life of unrepentant boozing and shitty behavior? *That usually comes later...with a delicious can of Coors Original but I digress*

Anyhoo...this little item might be better off for adults. The possibilities are endless. You can rehearse your pick-up lines, or wargame social scenarios without an actual bar tab. Lonely? Not anymore with these guys on your kitchen table. Give them weird names, if that twirls your beanie. They even bend at the waist so you can even simulate a horrific puking episode at the frat house.

Fuck it. I'm getting one so the authors can re-enact the weekend for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. I,um...I like it. I think the re-enactments will be very worthwhile as we try to piece together the lost weekends.
