
Quick Question

In today's rough economic climate, inquiring minds need to know:

What's the best-tasting cheap beer?

Please leave a comment with your answer.


  1. Is Bud Light cheap beer? I donno. I am a beer snob. I just had Bud lite not too long ago, thoguht it was drinki=able. Myself from a few years agio would make fun of myself for that. I have a suitcase of BL lime in the fridge. It's like Sprite, but with alcohol.

  2. That's a tough question since most cheap beers have little taste, but I'll say Coors (not Coors Light).

  3. Define cheap, Scarlett. We talking more or less than five bucks a six pack?

  4. I mean CHEAP. Like, Bud Light is definitely drinkable, but I wouldn't really classify it as cheap. I'm talkin' house-got-foreclosed-on cheap.

  5. Coors Light. The can itself is worth it's weight in gold. It has a vent, and a wide mouth, and a frost brewed liner. Come on

  6. Bud Light and Coors are not cheap beers. You've got to go down a few shelves before you find the cheap shit like Busch. When times are tough, I personally like Southpaw.

  7. I don't think the roster has changed all that much then.

    Busch, the Natural family, High-Life, PBR, Milwaukee's Best, Southpaw etc.

    Fortunately, Olympia no longer appears on shelves around here. That shit was cheap and let you know you sucked for buying it.

    The problem with some of those brands I mentioned is that when each gets a bump in sales due to nostalgic cachet, the fuckers bump the price up. High-Life and PBR fit this category.

  8. Try the malt liquors, more bang for your buck and no shortage of flavor

  9. Dont forget about Bud Ice. That shit is remarkably cheap (especially singles) and has a higher alcohol content than other similarly priced beers.

    Bud Ice = Bang for your $$

  10. If cheap means "Free", then anything from Mackey's kegorator is brilliant.

  11. Definitely Southpaw...and Bud light is not far behind; at about $6 per sixer that's in cheap's neighborhood...

  12. I've been a High Life guy for years. Needs to be cold and in the can.

  13. south paw is my choice
