Twas the night before Brewers Jam, when all through the town
Not a drunkard was sad, not even a frown
The tickets were purchased in advance and with care
There would be no tickets had next day at the fair
The brewers had arrived and checked in their rooms
Staying downtown they’d soon party like loons
The hosts were preparing for guests far and near
A welcoming dinner of good food and beer
This day had been rainy, cloudy, grey and plain dreary
But none of this mattered, brewers always seem cheery
“To hell with the weather”, you’d imagine they’d say
Neither hell nor high water will ruin this day
Be it blizzard, tornado, or 100 degrees
The party would go on with relative ease
When what to my parched mouth and achy liver should appear
A friend with a growler of hand crafted beer!
I grinned wide, shouted “hey”, then quicker than Pan
A fresh, delicious beer was thrust in my hand
I thanked my good pal for offering the favor
Then put drink to mouth and cherished the flavor
A pale ale, a brown ale, a bock and a stout
How many more until we run out?
More brewers arrived with tales of tall measure
Things were just getting started on this evening of pleasure
More pilsner, alt, porter – we appear to be fine
And last it arrived, the famous barley wine
I’d had it before and I must confess
The results of imbibing were not much success
Don’t drink it too fast, don’t be in a rush
Your body will warm and cheeks will soon blush
A wonderful sensation as it flows with each taste
Careful not to spill - too precious to waste!
My eyes turned to slits, my vision was hazy
For some damn reason my legs became lazy
The room was swimming ‘round and my body was reeling
This is how I remember the barley wine feeling
But this could not end, the night was still early
I had to find relief and so I did hurry
A good meal of food, now that will do the trick
I filled up a plate and ate it down quick
Regaining a feeling of sensible content
Back to the tap for more beer I went
Easy this time, I didn’t over-do it
If you believe that, then you’re a half-wit
The brewers’ gathering became a comfortable uproar
Beer, friends and family, who could want more
The hosts had provided another hell of a party
Enough that a few, tomorrow, would be tardy
But this night was only for the selected few
Who make it their job and passion to brew
If you weren’t invited there’s no reason for sorrow
There’s plenty of beer to be had tomorrow
So get there on time, bring a chair and your liver
It’s a charity fund raiser, so you’ll be a giver
No need to practice by drinking urine of a ram
See you Saturday at the Brewers Jam