Now the truly bizarre(and kickass) moment came when Mackey and I noticed that a gorgeous woman was on the big screen. Turns out his model was none other that Marisa Miller, mentioned here just last week as she continues to scorch the Millernet on blogs and websites.
The authors are currently planning to forecast riches and wealth beyond Croesus and see how that works out. Hopefully we will be pimping large this time next week. If not, we'll still be figuring out ways to get our filthy lucre.
Drink this sumbitchin' beer!

Enlightened, smenlightened. It'll get me drunk and won't blind me like pine cone likker. That's enough for me.
Give Me Miller & Meat!
Okay, fine! We get it!

There, are you happy now Mr. Gore?
We Gon Drank

You Know What Ol' Jack Burton Always Says . . .
Great Drunks of the Silver Screen 7.0

Bad ass. There are many pictures and images for this iconic late 70's early 80's genre, but few also encompass the soundtrack consisting of Rabbitt, Rich, and Tillis. Are you shitting me?
For every trained orangutan there had to be a hundred angry brawling shit-tossers. Yet Clyde drinks with his human friend Philo Beddoe. A lot. In fact we noticed during this movie they were drinking on the road(acceptable during this period) brawling in meat processing plants, staying in shitty hotels, etc. All the while plowed on the relevant beers of the day...during one scene Philo and Clyde hit about a dozen bars and dives, each painstakingly shot in vivid drunken style.
Olympia for Chrissakes. Cachet.
During one scene following the pub crawl, Philo and primate return to the shady hotel and wake up their companions in the middle of the night...rationally explaining how Clyde needs some sex and needs his stroke immediately. Of course, a willing female of genus Pongo is recruited. Seriously, Clyde gets laid instantly. Baffling, but rational somehow at 3:00 in the morning.
This film's primary antagonists also fit the bill. The nefarious and utterly inept Black Widows end up losing, and badly at that, every contest they face in pursuit of Philo.
The film is filled with drunken brawling, errant tractor trailers, a dwindling supply of choppers, and a wan Sandra Locke milking her time with Clint. Let's not kid ourselves, this film is about boozing and the kickass relationship between trained primate and slightly better trained primate. Who among us can forget "Right turn, Clyde?"
Or simple wonder of an animal telling us all to FO.
Drink on, fiend. You're still more civilized than half the bastards I know.
Algonquin Round Table Mk III
In another attempt at serious discussions on the important drinking issues facing today's imbibers, yours truly has convened a crack association of panelists. And when I emphasize serious, important, and crack you know I mean it. So today's Round Table consists of from my left:

OW: Oh my. Are these stolid android androgynes some sort of neo-prohibitionists? How patently absurd.

LVL: Greetings big man, how's the air up there? Can you tell us just how many pints or shots you can knock back...you know, what with your immense size and tolerance? Wouldn't that make for some expensive nights out in the Sagittarian arm of the galaxy?

LVL: Well that might do it for this installment of the Round Table. My fucking ears are bleeding and I'm thirsty.
KR: Holy fuck! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until its dead!
RZ: I was just supposed to guard the truck! Well I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin once. Forget it!
OW: So...Mr. Galactus, doing anything tonight?
LVL: This isn't going well.
For Tara, Judge of Droats

Divisional Playoff Drinking II
What to drink – Feeling better by now, but there’s no need to go crazy. Stick with beer and polish off those half-drank bottles of wine before they go bad. Steelers fans can have all the Flamethrowers they can handle though.

Divisional Playoff Drinking

Arizona upsets Carolina 27-26!
Death take me quickly

A pox upon thy house.
Beer After Workout

NFL Playoffs - The Bird vs. The Dirty Bird