I once knew a keen eye in the industry who told me that there is nothing like a new bar's crapper; a nice new car metaphor. Halcyon and pacific days before the head is befouled to unspeakable degrees. This guy was full of gems like that, one time remarking quite casually that 'it's hard to get heroin in this town.'
Anyhoo, The Hill is a pretty standard operation but it's in a relatively clever location. Having some friends that lived near there, I'm generally impressed with the way the parking has been maximized. While it's never going to be spacious, they did mark more spaces than I thought possible. Given that mgmt is counting on foot traffic from students, it has the potential to be popular if enough pedestrians make their way over.
It's a spacious bar I thought, even without the upstairs with various games and tables...making the most of the two stories that the old building provides.
Getting down to brass tacks, I believe the beer selection is impressive with many esoteric brews like Arrogant Bastard's IPA and my beloved Longboard Lager. Fat Tire is represented as well, and these latter brews are on sale Thursdays. The specials run nightly here, with cheap deals on tall-boys and the aforementioned animal hour. The menu looks competitive for the usual bar fare, and we were emphatically told the Philly was the premier sandwich. We were offered gratis wings and the samples were above average, although I left without trying the beer brat so I've got some motivation to return.
One thing I noticed while looking over the very efficient beer list was the lack of taps. I am not certain if they plan to offer draught.
Mgmt told the authors that they will be ratcheting up gradually towards football season, and that we shouldn't wait to return. A clock on the wall dutifully counts down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds to UT's home opener. As with most operations of this type, we'll see if it has the longevity necessary to succeed in the fort.