Drinking Gatlinburg
A few notes:
Set up a personal bar in the hotel room as soon as you check in. It is a very comfortable feeling knowing that no matter what happens during your stay that you will have your favorite adult beverage waiting for you in the privacy of your room. You'll need to have this for front-loading purposes but it serves as an emergency backup in case you get separated from the group or simply cut off at the hotel bar.
The Peddler is a fine restaurant that serves a delicious rib eye steak dinner. The salad bar is exquisite and the servers aren't above serving shots of bourbon and tequila between dinner courses (see LVL's previous post). Everyone's entrees were perfect and service was outstanding. I envision a return trip to this place, hopefully sooner than later.
And there were bloody marys. We were strolling the strip looking for our next watering hole to enjoy a nice, cold beer when we saw the sign at McCutchan's Bar & Grill advertising the world's finest bloody mary. Well, tempted by such a claim we sauntered into the bar "area" and ordered 4 of the bastards. A "regular" took our order and placed it with the barmaiden who began making our cocktails. Soon enough a nice server with a heavy eastern European accent delivered our bloodys and we drank 'em down. Yes, they were very good but sadly I do not think they were the world's best, sorry McCutchan. We moved on our way and within 2 blocks we saw another sign advertising the "world's best bloody mary". Shit. We'd been had but there was no way I was about to go in to comparison shop.
We opted to drink atop the mountain at Ober Gatlinburg instead. Good call. Although the options were limited once we reached the lodge, the bar was open, prices weren't too bad and the service was good. Mission accomplished. We moved on to Pucker's and Hoggs & Honeys to wrap up our drinking on the strip before returning to the hotel for dinner (another steak) and drinks. All in all I'd say it was a regal experience, and I'd like to make it back there without waiting 10 years between visits next time.
Disturbing Trends in Dinner Prickery
During these adventures, the mind often embraces its creative side. New things are tried, experimentation keeps everyone on their toes. Such was the setting for a Mackey-LVL contest of wills and livers.
The setting was a fine restaurant, where our group initially made reservations but always looking for the quickest way to continue the drinking(of course we started way before, don't judge us Puritan) we found a table in the lounge. Full service of course, or the victory is hollow. Time saved: 25 minutes from the initial reservation. We were victims of our own smug success, since we would have to slam our drinks seated.
To Mackey's initial surprise, I informed the server that we two gentlemen would need whisky shots-in a hurry. He didn't disappoint and those warm bastards arrived right before the salad.
LVL: 1, Mackey Nil. To be fair, I didn't enjoy the contrast in flavor either, but shit it had to be done. Pro-A strong opening move. Con-tasted like pain.
Not to be outdone, Mackey retaliates with a strong counter to the pre-salad bourbon: The mid-meal tequila. Nothing like chilled Patron to make you appreciate the next bite of prime rib or steak. The mouth is alternately confused and then grateful.
Pro-A devastating blow to my dinner morale. Con-sparks profanity in a setting unaccustomed to such prickery. LVL: 1, Mackey: 1. Push.
Final word? Neither of us want to go through that again. It was just pointless once everyone regained the faculty of civilized speech. No, I'll go further and admit it was a terrible idea. In summary, learn from the shitheaded behavior documented here. The lesson is that you should cockpunch your friends with a belt of Wild Turkey AFTER the last bite.
Drunken Jukebox 6 - Shots
Shots. It’s a single word that gets right to the point of drinking. Just saying it aloud let’s everyone know that it’s about to be ON. You’re about to drink some booze and don’t give a damn who knows it. Add a question mark and it’s an invitation from your friends or bartender to get down to business. It doesn’t get much more clear-cut than shots.
LMFAO and Lil Jon pretty much nail the idea here. They seem to "get it".
There I was completely wasting, out of work and down

Warm, inviting, non-judging...is there anything it can't do?
- Make your favorite cocktail, shooter, coffee or dessert
- Top with Whipped Lightning
Will this replace the tried and true method of spiking your coffee or pouring bourbon directly on your apple pie? No, it will not, especially if LVL is around with a bottle of Maker's.
Holiday Leftovers
Drinksgiving is the time you gather with fellow drunkards and drink like there's no tomorrow. We usually throw in a Deep Fried Food Feast for good measure. After several years of doing this we have become pretty good at frying a bunch of favorites without much hassle. The 2010 menu featured the usual suspects including a whole turkey, turkey breast, fresh cut fries, English style fish & chips, Southern style catfish, hush puppies, hand-dipped corn dogs and two kinds of onion rings. All of it was pretty damn awesome. We skipped the fried sweets this year but there were plenty of pies and cookies to make up for it, along with plenty of other sides thanks to hosts Atlas & MC, Tag and MB. Of course booze, beer and wine were plentiful as well. In fact I'm looking forward to a return trip to tackle the leftovers - wine and IPA, that is.

Royal Droat

Tin Roof Expansion
Happy 235th Birthday Marines

Possum Weekend

To celebrate their anniversary they will host their annual banquet at Calhoun’s on the River this Friday night followed by a day of rugby vs. Johnson City at Possum Park on Saturday. Plus the UT “A” and “B” squads will play as well. Directions and more information are available at www.knoxvillerugby.com. Maybe the banquet is off limits but there will be plenty of time for drinks afterwards, just guard your women. Hell, in fact if you are a woman looking for some interaction with brutish juiceheads this may be just what you’re looking for. This group isn’t the most discriminating bunch of guys in town, trust me I’ve been there. And if you’ve never watched or been to a rugby match before this is a great opportunity to make it happen. The weather is supposed to be cool and clear, admission is free and you can BYOB (or at least you could in the past, I haven’t been in a while). It’s a good time and fun to watch these guys run and beat the hell out of each other just for sport. As an “old boy” I congratulate and salute the Possums on 30 years of success and wish them many more. Cheers!
Not a particularly expensive or complex model, nonetheless the damn thing was lying in the motherfucking weeds and jumped up to wage hateful war against the group this last weekend! Much like Atlas and Mackey's dual kegerators that came before it the bourbon and vodka contained therein prosecuted our livers effectively. I am not confident of victory.

Maker's Mark vs. Kitty Kaga
Below is an excerpt from Bill about the upcoming show airing on the Food Network:
This week's episode of Iron Chef America features Iron Chef Cat Cora and challenger Chef Paul Miranda in a bourbon battle to the finish. I'll leave it you to figure out which bourbon they chose for the battle. As if that's not enough, our very own Master Distiller, Kevin Smith, was one of the three judges and did us real proud! Hell, he may have even found a new career for himself. The competition was mighty fierce, but to find out whose bourbon "cuisine reigns supreme," you'll just have to watch! Here's a schedule of times (all EDT) when you can catch the episode on Food Network:
10/28 @ 9:00 PM
10/29 @ 12:00 AM
10/30 @ 5:00 PM
10/30 @ 11:00 PM
10/31 @ 2:00 AM
For those of you who want to compliment Cat Cora on her spectacular bourbon creations, go on over to her blog (http://catcoracooks.com/blog/) and give her a cheer. She might even share a recipe or two with you.
That's it for now. Hope to see you soon down here at the distillery - the fall colors are spectacular right now. And so is the whisky - as always.

Allez cuisine!
Like a sackful of axe handles

Lately though I've been doing more window shopping at the package store, and I noticed this little doozy.

Also a promising naming convention. I might have to splurge on this luxury just in time for the TSIO, and tilt one back to Admiral Nelson. He need not know it comes from the Midwest. Hell, like he would care even.
The Hangover
I'm not so sure about the fellow pictured below. He seemed perfectly at ease resting only a few steps outside the festival gate at the Chocolate Factory, but I can't imagine a less comfortable place to recline than those brick steps. This isn't exactly a sandy beach that beckons one to take a nap.
What's that? Brewers Jam?
+ - Rossini Festival
X - Irish Festival
X - Feast with the Beasts
X - Wine on the Water
+ - Brewers Jam
Ok that's 2 for 5, not great but it could be worse. 40% is a failing mark but if it were .400 in baseball I'd be a star. It's all about perspective, man.
Shadey Bar Busted
Both articles have similar details of the violations including gambling, selling drugs and operating without proper permits and signage. Pesky rules. WATE goes further, listing the patrons cited in the raid for mary-jane possession. The names are . . . kinda Shadey.
Meet the Makers

At this meeting, none other than Maker's Mark President Bill Samuels Jr. will be present to lead the evening, though I've fallen for that one before. It doesn't matter who shows up because it's hard not to have a good time with a bunch of whisky drinkers. Also, the Brewery has consistently been Knoxville's leading consumer of Maker's Mark - a fact the humble authors of this blog are proud to be a part of. Go there, it will be a good time.
Place: Downtown Grill & Brewery, 424 Gay St.
Date: 10-14-10
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, tasting sessions at 6:30 and 7:30
Drunken Jukebox 5 - Spill The Wine
In support of Wine on The Water - Eric Burdon & War, Spill The Wine.
Updated version.
Lt. Rocka XVI

Free South Africa, you dumb son of a bitch
Anyhoo, these sumbitches shut down. I remember going there as a punk ass kid with the rents shortly after the abortive World's Fair. Fun note: I did go there two years ago with Mackey's brother. He won't own a red...nothing!
Tag, the former author/brewer here, can grill a steak on par with anyone. I'll be damned if I grill it myself someplace. Still, I am somewhat saddened since I am a huge fan of the old WFP sites. With both this property and the L&N vacant, I worry that some urban traitor will fuck us and sell them to the Russkies or the Frogs. Fuck that noise. That shit's for the birds.
Self-Immolation: In which I single-handedly destroy credibility

Buckle up:
Drunken Jukebox 4 - The Streets
For this installment of DJB we travel across the Atlantic to Birmingham, England for the sound of The Streets, aka Mike Skinner. Some of you may remember the 2004 semi-successful song Fit But You Know It, but I assume that most of you will not. The Streets didn’t make it big in the US but the unique style of “mockney English” resonated with me enough that I paid attention to them for a while, which leads us to this video. The song doesn’t really fit the Knoxville scene, if there is such a thing, but I’m sure a lot people I know and perhaps some readers will relate to the sentiment of their lyrics or at least the personal habits depicted in the video*. I apologize for the horrible and awful quality of the video – I searched YouTube at least 3-4 times for something better before I gave up. So here it is, Irony of it All by The Streets.
But first a brief promotional advert.
Now back to the program...
Reader Response
Don’t Drink and Race
Atlas sends this link about Greeneville, TN NHRA driver Allen Johnson’s failure to launch. It’s another example of celebrity athletes living the rock ‘n roll lifestyle. Seriously though, a .027 the morning after is quite impressive.
Killer New Bar? (from March 2010)
Hey Drinker! Have you seen the new restaurant and bar next to nama on kingston pike? They have real absinthe, they light it on fire, they have crazy bar lights that are so cool and they play some real fun music. I was there on Friday and thought you guys would dig it.
I still haven’t seen or been to this place so I don’t know what this reader is talking about. The one that comes to mind is Chez Liberty but I’m not sure. During these difficult economic times I’ve had a hard time exploring new bars and restaurants to the point where I feel like I’ve fallen way behind on the local drinking scene. This depresses me since I love sousing myself in a variety of locations but it also affects blog content, thus the lack of posts lately. As for absinthe, whew, that stuff lights me up. The last experiment we had with it caused me to turn beet red and I thought I would spontaneously combust. I may try it again sometime but in much smaller quantities. If anyone knows about Chez Liberty I'd like to know more, hopefully I can visit sometime soon.
Shameless Plug
I'd appreciate if you can give me some feedback on our site. I realize that you are a barstools connoisseur :) I'd like to hear your opinion/feedback on our bar stools.
I took a look at the bar stools and I'm pretty sure I could have a drink or 5 in all of them, even the curvy, fancy ones.
Hi, I find your blog to be absolutely hilarious. I appreciate how informative it is. I just had a cool infographic on visualizing alcohol use made for my new site phlebotomist.net. You can check it out here: http://www.phlebotomist.net/visualizing-alcohol-use.
This falls into the WTF category. Thanks for reading!
Is Bud Done?
And just to be clear, yes, I would drink some of that free beer!
Roosters, Dogs and Cats - No Reptiles

Sign up now! Roosters is partnering with Young-Williams Animal Shelter for an awesome day of Cornhole! The event is scheduled for October 16th at 2:00. Registration is $50.00 per team (cash only please) or $65.00 the day of the event (Registration ends at noon on the 16th). Proceeds will benefit the Young-Williams Animal Shelter. All participants will receive a t-shirt and a goody bag. Roosters will also be providing lunch and drinks for all participants!
Angels, Wings, & Schlitz

Heh heh. Schlitz has little to do with this, except it was stocked in heroic and devastating amounts near the cave. Been waiting for this old formula to make it down this way. In any event, come check out the new cave, folks. It will never be brand spankin' new again.
Quick Links
And now comes this bizarre and somewhat terrifying piece. I mean I've had some whisky that tasted like piss but come on...
Drunken Jukebox 3
This installment features a resurgent spirit near and dear to our Eastern Tennessee hearts (and livers): Moonshine. Once illicit and considered dangerous in many ways it is now a legitimate enterprise taking off in the alcohol world. Newspapers and websites have been filled with recent success stories and even cocktail recipes coming out of Gatlinburg. UT football season is upon us and everybody knows the Volunteer fight song lyrics:
“Once two strangers climbed on Rocky Top, looking for a moonshine still. Strangers ain’t come back from Rocky Top, reckon they never will. Corn won’t grow at all on Rocky Top, dirt’s too rocky by far. That’s why all the folks on Rocky Top get their corn from a jar”
It’s football time in Tennessee. It’s also Labor Day weekend meaning it’s Boomsday weekend too. And let’s not forget that it’s Lord von Lord’s birthday weekend. Now, please enjoy the musical styling of George Jones aka The Possum.

Summer Staycation is Over
I was pleased to see an article with some good booze news on MSN and thought I'd share it here in case you missed it. Basically the study focuses on older adults' alcohol consumption, so if you're lucky enough to make it that far the good news is that they suggest you keep on drinking. Super! Something to look forward to.

Cool Wine Gimmick
The other way:
Under the Bridge
I remember the days of going to the bars and frontloading on the way (yes, open containers!) and was just as guilty as these folks who leave behind the sacrificed empties, so I’m not being hypocritical or unrealistic about this situation. I mean, who wants to leave a backseat full of crime evidence should the police get involved. There has to be a better way but looking around the lot I didn’t see the one solution that should be obvious – trash cans. Not a damn one!