
Sneak Peek - Latitude 35

About 1 week to go before Market Square welcomes its newest bar, Latitude 35. We're ready. This place is going to be NICE! Here are some random pictures that may give an idea of what to expect but honestly they do not do the place justice. Everything in the building is brand new with the exception of the old downstairs bar that they've refurbished. If you look closely at the menu pics you can see the prices are reasonable and the dinner menu (not pictured) is also affordable. In no particular order:

Big table at entrance:

New beer lines:
Downstairs near the old bar area:

Downstairs bench seating:


Brand new kitchen:

Breakfast menu:

Late nite menu:

Old downstairs bar:

Tables & chairs:

Up bar:

Up bar black granite:

After hours beer:

Up bar taps, tv:

Upstairs bath (the ladies room downstairs is nicer!):

One of the VIP areas:

1 comment:

  1. The basin in the head is impressive. You could never believe that place was ever The Grotto
