Endorsement: Package Store
Our Saving Brews
We are going to do a small preview of some of the attending breweries, it won’t including everything, sort of a must hit before it’s gone. You have to prioritize your booth route by what you must have and when it might run out. This will show some of my favorites in no order, so you can decide on your own, whose line you will be waiting in and which ones you will let be drank by others.
All around quality brewery, nothing outstanding, nothing undrinkable. Well brewed products that you are happy to see at somebody’s party, but never the thing you’re jumping up and down excited over. They make a group of very drinkable beers that aren’t to edgy, but that is more of what we need, there are too many imperial vanilla eight hop pilsners if there’s even one. I recommend the St. Terese’s Pale Ale, or the Kashmir IPA, the Gaelic Ale is only palatable at best and readily available in town.
Heading in a complete different direction are these unbalanced canines. Let me start with the fact their Founder was good friends with Hunter S. Thompson, and Ralph Steadman does their art work too. Check out their website and read their story if that does not paint a good enough picture for you. Problem is their art work and beer names are more memorable than the beer, but only sometimes. If you can find the Horn Dog barley wine or Kerberos triple you're in luck, any of their ales are good, but I am not a fan of their In Heat Wheat.
Monday Hangover

All this suckeration and disappointment tends to make me think something good is about to happen. Things can't stay so shitty for this long. Something great is just around the corner. A new dawn after a long, dark, scary night. What we need is a new bar to rise up from the ashes and shake this town up:
Shit. Goddamnyouhawkeyesforeverclosingyourfuckingdoors!!!
Weekend Options

Great Drunks of the Silver Screen 5.0

Mr. Blutarsky.
Strengths: zero-point-zero.
Weaknesses: zero-point-zero.
In all truth, one could have added mustard and prick pants to the weaknesses, but like Senator Blutarsky I was on a roll. His shining example of functional alcoholism is not diminished by three decades of hackneyed copycats and shameless assholes that find shirts with "COLLEGE" written on them to be cool. Editorial: You haven't paid the freight pal...you haven't earned what John Belushi earned, so unless you know what a real speedball is-knock that shit off.
Professional Drinker?

Reds Pitcher Kent Mercker on his future: "I'm starting my new profession -turning vodka into urine."
KENT MERCKER, who hasn’t pitched early June due to a bad back, was handed an envelope in the clubhouse and he quickly ripped it open, scanned the thick multi-paged letter and tossed it into the trash.
“Talk about a waste eight pages of paper,” he said. “It was addressed to: ‘All potential free agents.’ “
Mercker will be a free agent, but as he said, “What kind of market is out there for me?” Then he paused and said, “Well, hey. I’m left-handed, I’m 40 and I’m well-rested.”
Mercker has tried to play long toss and throw off the mound, “But my back is not working.” Most likely he is headed for retirement and said, “I’m starting my new profession — turning vodka into urine.”
Sheepish Tuesday

Product Review: Bulleit Bourbon

Like many of the brown liquors acquired by Seagrams over the years, Bulleit has been available in the states for about a decade. It has a prominent rye distinction and packs a solid punch at 90 proof.
Bulleit does not have a rich history like many bourbons...being discontinued for many decades; so I find the claim of being a "Frontier" whiskey to be curious. The bottle and label seem like anachronisms to the 19th century, but the flavor is quite pedestrian apart from the oaky concentration.
I'm still a Maker's man...with a little Knob Creek on the side for the most part. That still doesn't mean I won't drink this brand if I find it in your house, so best keep it away from me if you want to keep it.
Monday Hangover
All my bitchin' and whining aside, this past Friday was some of the most fun fun fun I've had in a long time, and definitely the best group outing we've had since starting the blog. No, fuck a group outing. This was a Drinking Summit - a planned night of boozing that is worthy of capitalized letters. All the authors of Drinking Knoxville were there (see upper right section - I'm too lazy to type them here). We met, we drank, we carried on, we drank more, we moved next door, drank some more, ate and drank, then moved across the street and drank some more, we cussed, we lied, we made fun of each other, we made fun of strangers, we smoked and drank, and then moved on to yet another bar and really started drinking, shots, shots, shots, shots, singing (loud, awful singing), more drinks, and I think that's about all. Then I went home and started breaking shit in my condo. A great night all around.
Okay, maybe I can provide a little bit more information. This Drinking Summit needed to happen for a number of reasons:
- We all knew it was our last hurrah before the Vols officially ruined the season
- The authors had not been together as a group for a long time
- I felt compelled to get very drunk in public
We started our evening at Sullivan's in the Old City. This location was a last minute replacement after discovering Calhoun's on the River had been infiltrated by the Jort Nation and there wasn't a seat to be had anywhere at the outside patio. Undaunted by their presence we quickly move to the backup location and continue our drinking quest. Sullivan's used to be a favorite college hangout where you could arrive early, grab the large front table by the window and drink as long as you had money to spend. Things haven't changed all that much in 10 years because that is exactly how we started the night.
One of the funnier things to start the night was watching this guy in a wheelchair. (Before you start damning me to hell it should be known that he is a notorious panhandler around those parts known for his unusual behavior) We noticed this man "walking" through the intersection while sitting in the wheelchair about the same time a patrol car pulled up next to him. The cop was obviously aware who this person was because he also had a smile on his face just watching the man walk his chair from place to place. The "wheelchair walker" was rather drunk and started disrobing as time passed, and I wish I could've taken a picture of him raising his can of booze to us in salute as we all watched the show.
We then moved on to the Backroom BBQ and continued the summit. We were drinking heavily and food became necessary at the rate we were knocking 'em back. If you haven't been there before I would recommend it to anyone who likes bbq. (Ask what is fresh because they smoke different things on different days) The brisket sandwich is my favorite but it wasn't fresh so I went with the pork sandwich, still a solid choice.

We're gaining momentum at this point and roll over to Manhattan's where we run into all kinds of people we know. Who knew people still went to these same bars just like back in the day? It was good to see some familiar faces in old places. The drinks keep coming, Coors this time. Banquet beer. Ah yes, I'm feeling it now. We all are, but not enough to slow down. We change venues for the 3rd (and final) time of the night and move it up the road to Preservation Pub. That is where the shots come in. Jager, check. Goldschlager, check. Kamikaze, check. I think I'm forgetting something but you get the idea - a shot parade!
One of Knoxville's best little cover bands, Big Bad Jukebox, was playing that night and they sounded great as always. We're feeling no pain at this point, I'm howling at the moon (or band), jokes are flying, laughs are shared, and we get outta there in one piece. I think that I mentioned going home to break some stuff. That wasn't the goal, just what happened. Mission accomplished!End of the night?
I'm still a polite drunk

Fire Phillip Fulmer
Friday Mess
Downtown Wine + Spirits offers a perfect game day cocktail. Sign up for their newsletter here: (newsletter@dtwine.com)
Tennessee Daisy(named after the orange and white daisies that were the inspiration for UT's colors)
1oz. Vodka
2oz. of Mathilde XO Orange Liqueur
2oz. of Looza Apricot juice
2oz. of Orange Juice
Mix ingredients with ice in a shaker. Serve in a chilled fru-fru or large martini glass with whipped cream on top.
That's nice and all, but I think I'll be sticking to the beer and bourbon
The Bierstick

From their site:
So long, beer bong...Drink up to 24 ounces in less than two seconds. The Bierstick is crafted from high-quality FDA approved materials. Its durable, compact design makes it very discreet — small enough to fit in a backpack. The friction-fit mouthpiece allows for easy filling and cleaning, leaving zero mess. If you think you can drink, you haven’t seen anything yet.
Not so fast! (a la Corso)
The guys at Octabong beg to disagree. They have a remarkable beer bong unlike anything I've ever seen. This thing is made for a party:

That image probably isn't doing much for ya, so here is an action shot that better demonstrates the use of this ingenious device:

No Thanks

Crunk (not Crunk Juice)

Read this sumbitchin blog
One of the side threads I read with great amusement was a question about so-called "man laws" regarding BYOB protocols. Some of you may remember the dreadful Miller Lite commercials a few years ago with Mike Ditka, Burt Reynolds, and other paid shills that most likely wouldn't drink a Miller product if it was the last alcohol on Earth. The disparity of entertainment value from beer commercials these days is quite sad when compared to the glory days of alcohol advertisement in the early 80s. Ed "Too-Tall" Jones and Dick Butkus shit on the booze spots of the 21st century...and I dare you Captain Morgan pose making faggots to tell them otherwise.
Anyway, the specific question was whether or not it is okay to leave a party with any unconsumed beer you brought with you, or if said beer becomes property of the host. Technically the question is valid...and according to the clearinghouse that is Modern Drunkard Magazine, beer brought to a party transfers ownership at the end of the festivities. In short, buy more beer you cheap rube.
Here's my take however: This question is only partially valid. The proponents and chest thumpers that think it is cool to codify what a "man law" is fail to see the forest for the trees. A real man won't have to ask this question because a real man will DRINK EVERY DAMN THING HE BROUGHT WITH HIM. Moreover, if the party is really righteous he will also raid the fridge for booze that isn't his. The professional mercenary drunkard will also comb through cabinets in both kitchen and bathroom, utility and linen closets, laundry hampers and the garage for hidden booze. Trust me, find a bottle of premium vodka one time in a dresser drawer and you will sort through panties and boxer shorts for the next ten years hoping lightning will strike twice.
In short, make all the cute laws you want...I'll be too busy chugging your Newcastle Brown Ales to care.
Just some fun
The Thursday Club is a travel and review web site all about an entertain night out in any city, with some promotion of drinking (not on our level). The drink-o-meter may be their best contribution. Overall it's not to accurate; no mention of front loading, drinks at home on a Tuesday night, the half ones you fall asleep on, or the next morning recovery beer, not to mention work drinks. I advise you to enter some different numbers to see what happens. And drink-0-meter 2 sucks till you get to the end.
Great Drunks of the Silver Screen 4.0
::gestures dramatically::
Tochi from Revenge of the Nerds

Oh I drink to that!
Strengths: Vast scientific knowledge, screaming for vengeance, drunk tricycle riding
Weaknesses: Nerd, the letters L and R, preternatural obsession with hair pie
Ah yes, the resurgence of the college party film that began with Animal House passes the baton to the venerable Revenge of the Nerds series. (disclaimer: only the first two, anything else reeks of burning dogshit) Tochi breaks down stereotypes of Asians being poor drivers and even worse drinkers. Tochi is key to the Tri-Lambs victory against the rotten, but handsome, Alpha Betas and their Pi counterparts. Tochi is apprentice to this man:

Booger aka Dudley Dawson

Strengths: Blowing the fuckers up, wonderjoints, belching contests
Weaknesses: Filth, Omega Mu(the moos), preternatural obsession with hair pie
Booger is a piece of work. This slice of human debris is a primary character in the films. That is also to say, primarily drunk and disgusting. Booger is seen constantly drinking and smoking his way through Adams College...that is when is he not combing the high schools for dates. Booger assists his fraternity to win the utterly fanciful campus games by defeating Ogre during a beer-fueled belching contest. Very academic and cosmopolitan, Dudley Dawson is the epitome of refinement.
During the second film, Booger hones his...skills under this horrid man:

Edgar Po Wong. They call him Snotty.

Strengths: Fuck you. Who died and made you God?
Weaknesses: Fuck you. Who died and made you God?
Snotty is encountered shortly into the second film, as the idiots travel to Florida. Like most of America's elderly, Snotty has come to the Hotel Coral Essex presumably to die in his own waste. Even the veteran Booger finds Snotty's putrescence appalling. Snotty has an impressive knowledge of chemistry and cocktails that would gag a billy goat.
Most of the 1980's college films have a rich and diverse grouping of drunks. Indeed, some purists might question the omission of Ogre from this list. Fair point. But then again, go fuck yourself.
While You're Working
I found this while browsing online today

From the official website:
USB stick CO with bottle opener The USB stick CO is a mobile data storage device in a solid, brushed aluminium housing. It is special because it incorporates an extra bottle opener function combining practical data storage with a thirst-quenching aid that is always to hand. The USB stick CO has a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 connection for extra-fast data transfer (read rate: 25 MB/s, write rate 12 MB/s). It is bootable, pre-formatted and ready for immediate use without a driver. The USB stick CO is suitable for Windows® 2000, XP, Vista, Mac® OS X and Linux® from Kernel 2.6.x. It is available with 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 GB of memory.
See, I told you it was cool. Kinda makes me thirst for a cold brew right now.
Unacceptable Bar Tunes
Why do this to myself

Upon further review

You put two complete drunken rowdy assholes to sleep.
Before Things Get Too Ugly
I want to enjoy this minor victory for just a moment, because we now enter the SEC portion of the schedule that brings Florida this weekend and sends us to Auburn and Georgia in the coming month. Fuck. We're facked! But allow me to say Fuck Florida anyway, just on principle.
A tip of the hat to UT concessions who actually put condiments in the wrapper for Smokey dogs! No Gulden's mustard, but it's a start.
And one last shameless plug for the Southern Graces Skybox. We'll see if they have any luck getting people to attend their "tailgate" with the Vols facing an uphill battle this weekend.

A New Hope - Ft. Sanders Yacht Club


Random Thoughts
- Not everyone goes out for drinks on their birthday. I had been invited to come have birthday drinks at the brewery for a friend. It rained out their softball game and that apparently cancels the party. I'd think that would allow extra time for drinks and celebration at the bar with friends, but no. I can only assume there was relaxing hair-braiding for hours last night while Sarah McLachlan played softly in the background.
- One of the authors has a puking problem. Maybe this is what he does in all his spare time while not writing for the blog. Hell, I can't think of a better topic to blog about on a drinking blog. The only place it would be a better fit is on a puking blog. Is there a "pukingknoxville" blog out there I don't know about? A note from Garth of Wayne's World: "If you're going to spew, spew in this"
- Lortabs and IPA go together really well. Really, really well. Usually a 4 or 5 "IPA dinner" is enough to sate me for the evening, and still is. But add some pharmaceuticals to the mix and you've gots yo-self a narcotic cocktail of splendid delight! It almost makes me wish I could go to the dentist more often to rack up on these treats. I don't think the agonizing 2 hours in the dentist chair is a fair trade-off though.


Proof that alcohol and rampant drug use permeate every facet of American entertainment...even during the second Reagan administration.

Get the idea? I swear Mad Max and The Lord Humongous were chasing each other in what once was a reasonably active mind. All motor control, gone. Attempts to rise...utterly fucked. Well, seems like it must be the sixth of September.
You see, I rarely lose memories or blackout. Believe me, that's not always a good thing. I've seen shit that'll turn you white with febrile confusion. As for most of my birthday, as Mackey has recounted, I put on a drinking clinic before succumbing to unconsciousness. The truly great part of a real nasty birthday tear is the hostility your friends really have for you. Oh sure, it's great fun...till you see furtive giggles as one "friend" slinks off to a far bartender. Said sumbitch or third-rate tart won't comeback with a stout bourbon. No, those hours are passed by and by (along with respectability). Instead, Patron rears its nasty sombrero. Jager hunts. The bow legged woman demands an audience. Any number of drinks that end with -zee's and -drops follow at a pretanatural pace. The Valkyries were definitely choosers of the slain that night.
Feh. I'm glad this sort of power-drinking only comes round once a year. Always nice to have it around Labor Day and the start of football season...makes the transition into Drinksgiving that much easier. Still, the hangover was impressive and defied description. It was a definite badge of honor.
Many thanks to all those for their well wishes and I salute the drinking buddies from Friday night. I won't forget it, you bastards. Heaven help the next one of you with a reason to celebrate.
Monday Hangover
After parting ways with that group, LVL and I went to meet King Randall The Insufferable and his “queen” to have more drinks. Lord was already hammered because he had the day off work and had been drinking heavily for god knows how long, so the facial color changes of pale white, to light green, to red, to white again are of no surprise – we’ve all been there. But none of us were expecting the surprise visit of “Catfish”who joined us at the bar for many drinks. So that was nice – me, KRTI, and Catfish getting Lord all tore up (ourselves included) until I don’t remember anything.
Saturday 2 PM - that is when I got out of bed. I felt great! College football and the US Open were on TV so I plopped down on my couch and didn’t move for several hours.

One point away: Crown & Goose at 123 S. Central Street - Grade: 69Now this isn’t entirely a deal-breaker for me. Some of my favorite places are rat-holes, and they didn’t even fail that bad – just one point. I mean it isn’t like “Easy” was smoking a cigarette in the server station while the general manager was raking his finger through the mashed potatoes and eating them right in front of the inspector or anything. Geesh! I’m going to reconsider this news and make a final decision about the review at a later date.
Food temperatures were a problem here. An inspector found soup at 129 degrees,
but 140 is the proper temperature for hot food. The inspector says a hand sink was blocked so kitchen workers couldn't wash their hands properly.

I did manage to go out for a quick bite of sushi at Nama downtown. Had a couple of beers, witnessed a group of students downing some sake-bombs, considered staying out and making a fool of myself but decided against that and went in for the night. There will be plenty more occasions to make a fool of myself with football season upon us.
Sunday was most excellent – I got some errands out of the way early so I could start drinking right at kickoff of the NFL games. After the early games I went to Tag’s where we feasted on leg of lamb for dinner with all the snacks and beer you’d normally expect.